This is where the perks are...
It's a loyalty program that takes you to a whole new rewards level with surprises and three levels. Starting at our VIP Perks you can move up to the VIP Platinum level where you enjoy all the benefits of a fully fledged VIP!
So where do you start? By clicking here
You'll need a certain number of VIP points and referrals to move up to the next level.
VIP Perks:
- 100 - 299 points.
VIP Plus:
- 300 - 499 points
VIP Platinum
- 500 or more points
You'll need a certain number of VIP points and referrals to move up to the next level. *Minimum spend $50
VIP Perks:
$10 off (per 100 points) + 1 x free deluxe sample.
VIP Plus:
$10 off (per 100 points) +1 x free mini product.
VIP Platinum
$10 off (per 100 points) + 1 x full size product.